Vibrant Cocktail Luxury Bouquet
Our Luxury Vibrant Cocktail Flower Bouquet is a dazzling celebration of colour and texture, bringing together an extraordinary palette of purple, peach, cerise, lilac, blue, and green blooms. Perfect for making a bold statement, this bouquet exudes elegance, energy, and sophistication.
At its heart are luscious purple lisianthus, velvety cerise spray roses, and soft lilac roses, harmonizing vibrant and pastel tones. Delicate blue hydrangea and lush green foliage add depth and contrast, while peach-toned carnations infuse warmth and softness into the arrangement.
At A P Flowers, every bouquet is thoughtfully selected and hand-arranged by our skilled florists, ensuring that each one is truly unique-just for you.
As a family-run business established in 1975, we take pride in crafting every arrangement with care and love, making your floral experience as special as the moments you’re celebrating.
Size in photograph: Large