Pastel Dream Bouquet
Our Pastel Dream Bouquet is a soft and elegant arrangement that blends delicate hues of lavender, peach, blush pink, and pale yellow. Each bloom is handpicked to create a serene and timeless aesthetic, perfect for any occasion that calls for a touch of subtle beauty.
This bouquet features a variety of flowers, such as gentle roses, fragrant waxflower, and soft carnations, all artfully arranged with lush greenery to complement the soft pastel tones. The result is a calming, graceful display that evokes feelings of warmth, tranquillity, and pure joy.
At A P Flowers, every bouquet is thoughtfully selected and hand-arranged by our skilled florists, ensuring that each one is truly unique—just for you.
As a family-run business established in 1975, we take pride in crafting every arrangement with care and love, making your floral experience as special as the moments you’re celebrating.
Size in photograph: Large