Cupids Bow Bouquet
Ignite the spark of love this Valentine’s Day with our Cupid’s Bow bouquet, a dazzling arrangement of lush pink and red blooms that captures the essence of romance. This enchanting bouquet features vibrant red flowers symbolizing passion, paired with soft pink flowers like roses, carnations or lisanthus that convey tenderness and admiration. Accented with delicate greenery and wrapped in elegant cellophane with a satin ribbow, Cupid’s Bow is a perfect harmony of bold love and gentle affection.
Whether you’re celebrating a budding romance or a timeless connection, this bouquet delivers Cupid’s message straight to the heart. It’s more than a gift—it’s a poetic expression of your love.
At A P Flowers, every bouquet is thoughtfully selected and hand-arranged by our skilled florists, ensuring that each one is truly unique—just for you.
As a family-run business established in 1975, we take pride in crafting every arrangement with care and love, making your floral experience as special as the moments you’re celebrating.